quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2009

I’m Just Lost

I'm like a bird in a cage,
And I can't sing, not anymore.
I want to go back to my own place,
My natural place.

I can't go back.
But I want to.
Because here I'm lost.
Forgive me, I can't be with you anymore.

This is a scary place.
I don't like it.
Just watch me.
I'm tired of playing the games that I can never win.

Help me.
Only you can do this.
But I think it’s too late now.
I have no way to go.

This is a farewell.
So, I have to say good bye.

Paulo Cilas.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

adoooro esse poema!
pauloo poetaaa
blog tá show
bjo galera! :*

Anônimo disse...

Vlw Kamiroski...
Obrigado Mesmo.